September 2, 1973 – J.R.R. Tolkien

A devout Roman Catholic, J.R.R. Tolkien is best remembered as the author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings novels.  Unlike his friend C.S. Lewis, Tolkien never made over religious inferences in his novel such as can be seen in the Narnia series.  He preferred to allow the reader to see the subtleties such as Gandalf returning in …

September 1, 1159 – Pope Adrian IV

The only Englishman to serve as pope, died on September 1, 1159. He took the name Adrian IV during the five years he served as pope and was elected because of his reorganization of the churches in Scandinavia. He would often run afoul of the Holy Roman Emperor as he played a role in expanding the power of the papacy.

August 31, 1735 – Missionary John Sergeant

Norman Rockwell captured a meeting of missionary John Sergeant’s conversion of Mahican Chief Konkapot in this painting to commemorate the important meeting.  Chief Konkapot realized he was not able to defeat the white settlers and decided for a truce and thought he best way to live with these Europeans was accept their religion.  John Sergeant, who was appointed to convert …

August 30, 1900 – Boxer Rebellion missionary murders

The Boxer Rebellion in China was specifically anti-foreigners, anti-imperialists and anti-Christian. This internal Chinese conflict culminated in the murder of missionaries Willie and Helen Peat, their two young daughters and other friends on August 30, 1900.

August 29, 29 – John the Baptist

No one knows for sure, but since the 5th century August 29, 29 has been the traditional date of the beheading of John the Baptist. This is a painting by DiVinci.

August 28, 1953 – Campus Crusade for Christ

When Oklahoma native and caterer Bill Bright and his wife Vonette wrote a contract with God two years earlier to dedicate their lives to whatever the Lord would have them do, I wonder if they knew what an impact Campus Crusade for Christ would have. Campus Crusade was incorporated on August 28, 1953.

August 27, 1910 – Mother Theresa

If I asked, “do you know who Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was?”, my guess is you may not. If I asked, “have you heard of Mother Theresa?” my guess you certainly have. Agnes joined an Irish convent and took the name Theresa. She was born on August 27, 1910 in Yugoslavia but would spend an amazing life in India.

August 26, 1901 – American Standard Bible

The first non-denominational Bible printed since the Authorized King James Version in 1611 was the English Revised Version and it was published in 1881. On August 26, 1901 there was an American version of the English Revised published called the American Standard Bible. The ASV was published by Thomas Nelson Publishers.

August 25, 1560 – Church of Scotland

The Scottish Parliament accepted the tenants of the Protestant Church of Scotland and officially breaks with the Roman Catholic Church on August 25, 1560. John Knox led the effort to make the changes (the Church of Scotland would be known as the Presbyterian Church in America). Knox wanted to be buried within yards of St. Giles’ Church (the mother church …

August 24, 1662 – Book of Common Prayer enforcement

Because the Church of England is the official church of Great Britain (which is one of the things America’s Founding Fathers did NOT want), the church is subject to the acts of the British Parliament. One of those was the Act of Uniformity passed on May 19, 1662. The Act stated every minister in England shall only use the official …